Surf Lakes Drained for Improvements

Surf Lakes Drained for Improvements

The Surf Lakes Prototype in Yeppoon was drained to provide access for improvements to the “Beach Break” and a new, stronger liner.

The prototype pool was built using a temporary, thin concrete liner that wasn’t meant to hold up to commercial use. As Aaron Trevis, Surf Lakes founder and CEO, and his crew started cranking up the size of the waves in the prototype, the power of the breaking waves started to break up the temporary liner. Now they’ve drained the pool to lay down a new, stronger liner.

The team also realized that there was room to improve the Beach Break and Occy’s Peak. As the team experimented with various settings like the height and speed of the Central Wave Device (CWD) stroke, they realized that there was an opportunity to change the bathymetry and make the Beach Break even better. According to Aaron Trevis, the changes to the Beach Break may make it similar to Lower Trestles in San Clemente, CA. Occy’s Peak, a hollower more challenging wave (below) is also being improved.

Its not clear how long Surf Lakes prototype will be out of commission, but Occy and the rest of the team are eagerly awaiting more sessions like this..

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