The Strand
The Strand
The Strand
The Strand
The Strand

The Strand

A Modern Recreational Water Park

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The Strand is an aquatic playground planned for Gilbert, AZ focused on a wave pool and wakeboarding park. If the project proceeds as planned, the surf park will open to the public in the summer of 2021.

John McLaughlin, CEO of Strand Resorts, hasn’t disclosed the wave pool technology that will produce the waves, but some of the earlier renderings remind us of Surf Loch technology or Murphys Waves.

The Strand Wave Pool

Wave Size, Shape and Frequency

According to, the wave pool will be capable of creating waves that measure up to 12 feet. If that is the case, the wave pool at The Strand in Gilbert will probably set the bar for surf park wave size.

In addition to large, advanced waves, the wave pool operators will use computers to control the height, frequency, and intensity of the waves allowing both beginner and expert surfers to ride at the same time.

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The Wave Pool

The Strand team has not released information about the size of the wave pool, but they do plan on using fresh water.

Water is a limited resource in Arizona, so naturally the community raised some concerns about water use at The Strand. The facility is expected to consume 200 acre-feet per year which is less than a typical golf course that consumes 485 acre-feet per year.

However, according to the City of Gilbert, the city’s water supply will not be affected by the development because The Strand is supplying their own water. The Strand will use recovered water credits delivered through Gilbert’s potable water system.

The Project

The Strand will occupy 25 acres. Outside the wave pool and wakeboard park, visitors will have plenty of activity options including an inflatable water park, arcade, kids play area, swimming areas and more. Between activities guests will be able to rest and recover in outdoor cabanas or visit the on-site restaurant with food and beverage service.

Gilbert residents will get a 10% discount.

The Strand expects to pull in revenues between $25 million and $36 million annually, according to

The development, which is expected to cost around $200m according to local news channel ABC15, will be privately funded and cost taxpayers nothing. In fact, the city will see significant revenue from their agreement with The Strand.

In a public-private partnership with the city of Gilbert, the company signed a 50-year lease and will pay the town about $253,000 annually with inflationary increases for rent. 

A revenue-sharing agreement will give Gilbert 3 percent of proceeds over $2 million. This is projected to contribute an additional $450,000 to $750,000 to the city annually, according to Gilbert officials.

In addition to revenue from the project, The Strand is anticipated to generate 180 new jobs to bolster the local economy.

Construction is expected to start in early 2020.

Sources:, City of Gilbert,



Wave Data

Planning (Planned Opening Summer 2021)
12 Foot Faces
Barrel, Turn and Air Sections
Wave Pool Technology TBD



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