Bernhardt, Brönner, Closs, Käppeler
Bernhardt, Brönner, Closs, Käppeler
Bernhardt, Brönner, Closs, Käppeler
Bernhardt, Brönner, Closs, Käppeler


A wave pool in Berlin

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A team of entrepreneurs in Germany hope to bring a wave pool called SURF ERA to the Berlin area. The 15-acre (62,500 m²) facility centered around a 5-acre (2.25 hectare) wave pool will produce waves suitable for beginners, practicing professionals and everyone in between.

They are currently seeking crowdfunding on StartNext to finance their work, which is currently focused on detailed design and feasibility studies. If the plan is successful, SURF ERA would be the first sustainable, emission neutral and translucent-roofed surf park in the world.

They’ve narrowed the wave pool technology choice down to Wavegarden Cove and American Wave Machines. The SURF ERA team tested the prototype Cove at the the Wavegarden R&D center in the spring of 2019 and renderings from the team look similar to other Wavegarden Cove installations like The Wave in Bristol.

If the team goes with Cove technology, it’s a safe bet that the pool will create lefts, rights, and whitewater rollers for beginners. More advanced surfers can expect barrels, air sections and ripable walls. The waves would be generated every few seconds and the waves will run 2-6 feet high on the face of the wave.

The SURF ERA team is targeting relatively affordable prices: € 22.50 for a 1 hour session, € 32.50 for 2 hours and € 44.50 for an all day pass. With a retractable roof, SURF ERA would be open year-round.

SURF ERA wave pool rendering 2
Bernhardt, Brönner, Closs, Käppeler

SURF ERA’s design and dedication to environmental protection are notably unique. A translucent retractable roof will allow the customers to surf under the sun on nice days and provide protection from the cold German winters. The roof would 50m high, creating a new landmark visible from most of Berlin.

The team also intends to produce 100% of the power consumed by the facility with energy from renewable resources such as wind turbines, 7000 square meters of solar panels, and other technologies. They plan to use battery and chemical storage technology to store the energy they generate and use it when they need it.

The amenities around the pool will include restaurants, bars, accommodation, retail shops, and other recreational options like climbing walls and beach volleyball.

The SURF ERA team is currently exploring property options around Berlin and seeking funding via crowdfunding and other strategic investors. If they meet their crowdfunding goals, the money will be invested into the detailed project plans and surveys that all wave pools require.

The project is expected to cost €36 million ($40 million USD), so they’ve got a a long road of funding ahead. It’s not an easy or short road, but we’re rooting for them.

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Eirik Randow, the founder, is a business manager, sports scientist and dedicated surfer. He started thinking about the pool in 2015.

By late 2016, Eirik brought in Marvin Thams as an engineer with knowledge of facility management, renewable energies and engineering to proceed with the further planning’s. Early 2017 Niklas Groschup joined the team to handle graphics, marketing and communication.

Together the team won a business plan competition and earned early stage funding from a Start Up grant allowing the team to focus on SURF ERA full time by 2018. Then the team announced their intentions in July of 2018 and, with a press kit and a business plan, started seeking investors. At that time the team was targeting a 2021 opening date for Berlin. However, that timeframe extended due to planning procedures and multiple ongoing dialogs with all involved stakeholders.

Valerie Sick joined the team by mid 2018 to focus on corporate and web design.

The SURF ERA team has a successful crowdfunding round and scholarships banked. They are currently seeking additional funding from various sources and continuing to dial in their plan with detailed design and feasibility studies. We’re cheering for them and hope to hear more good news soon.

Sources: SURF ERA,, Prime Surfing Magazine




Wave Data

Funding and Planning
2-6 Foot Faces
Left, Right, Straight
?? Seconds
?? Waves per Surfer per Hour
Barrel, Turn, Air Sections and Whitewater Rollers
Wavegarden Cove or AWM PerfectSwell

Price Range

One hour session (USD)

Business Info



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