Okahina Wave Libourne

Okahina Wave Libourne

A Circular Surfing Atoll from Okahina Wave

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Okahina Wave technology will be used to create waves in Lake Dagueys in Libourne, France. Using their patented floating circular atoll approach to creating waves, the installation will create left and right- hand waves measuring between .6 and 2m high on the face of the wave. The flexibility of the system means advanced surfers will get to enjoy head-high barreling waves while intermediate and beginner surfers will be ride smaller waves. The waves will be ridden for 30-45 seconds.

Okahina Wave technology is unique primarily because its based on a floating atoll that can be installed into a large, existing body of water. A number of foils rotate around a floating atoll sending waves toward the middle of the atoll where they encounter shallow water and break in a circular pattern.

The atoll at Okahina Wave Libourne will be 60m in diameter.

The team behind the wave pool hopes to open to the public in 2022.

Capacity and Productivity

According to Okahina Wave, their technology has the ability to create a wave every 15 seconds and the waves can be ridden for 30 seconds. In other words, as the foils rotate around the atoll continuously, a foil will pass the take-off point every 15 seconds where a surfer will begin their ride. 30 seconds later, that surfer exits the wave leaving it open for the next surfer waiting at the take-off point.

The productivity depends on the number of foils revolving around the atoll, and the number of waves per hour will depend on how many surfers they put into each session.

Environmental Protection and Enhancement

Okahina Wave technology also provides unique ecological benefits to the installation site by naturally oxygenating the water which subsequently leads to cleaner water and healthier aquatic life. Its also relatively environmentally friendly because it requires less power to operate than other wave pool technologies, according to Laurent Héquily, creator of Okahina Wave. According to Franceinfo.fr, a 1.2 meter wave requires about 35kw to generate (roughly the power required to run an electric car).

Sources: Okahina Wave, franceinfo.fr, Surfsession.com, TheRiderPost.com


Wave Data

Planning and Permitting (Planned Opening 2022)
6.5 Foot (2m) Faces
Left, Right
30-45 Seconds
?? Waves per Surfer per Hour



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