The Wave in Bristol Removes their Intermediate Wave

The Wave in Bristol Removes their Intermediate Wave

In an unfortunate turn of events, The Wave in Bristol has decided to suspend their intermediate sessions.

Nick Hounsfield told Carve magazine “The feedback from the first few days clearly showed that the wave we were pushing didn’t deliver a great intermediate experience, it was more of a step up from beginner experience.”

Its a wise business move and will help keep the customer experience as positive as possible, but it could have an impact on the pools capacity (and revenue) which originally planned on running advanced, intermediate and beginner sessions simultaneously in separate areas on each side of the pool. 

The crew at The Wave is working on their plan going forward, but it sounds like the advanced area can generate some incredible intermediate waves with the right settings thanks to the flexibility of the Wavegarden Cove technology. That would mean that some sessions are for intermediate surfers while other sessions are for advanced surfers. In both cases, beginners would be able to surf the reform wave on the inside. 

We’ll post an update as soon as we find out more.

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