The Wave in Bristol Announces Dates for "Expert" Waves

The Wave in Bristol Announces Dates for “Expert” Waves

Update March 6, 2020: Based on feedback from their customers, The Wave has suspended sales for the Expert and Advanced Plus sessions described below. Stay tuned or subscribe as this dynamic situation develops.

The Wave in Bristol will step up their waves on March 12th, 16th, and 23rd when they push out Expert and Advanced Plus waves to the public for the first time.

The ability to book these advanced waves will open to “Early Riders” and “Crowdfunders” on March 6th. Surfing the Advanced Plus and Expert will not require prior approval or a license, but according to The Wave “you will need to be a highly experienced and proficient surfer, able to negotiate more powerful waves with confidence.”

The Expert session will cost 90£ and it will be limited to 14 people on each side of the wave pool. At first, these sessions will run in the afternoon. The Expert waves will measure 2.0m on the face of the wave. Using the T2, T3 and B1 settings, the fast, powerful Expert wave will have a long open face for high-performance turns and an entry level barrel that is “easy to navigate” according to The Wave website. The wave pool will produce 15 waves per set in Expert sessions, so each person should get a shot at one wave per set.

The Advanced Plus sessions will cost 60£ per person and max out at 17 people per side. These sessions will take place in the morning. The Advanced Plus waves will measure 1.7-1.9m on the face of the wave. Using the T1 and T2 settings, the shape of the Advanced Plus wave will target high-performance surfing and the inside will offer a barrel section. The wave pool will produce 15-20 waves per set in the Advanced Plus sessions, so each surfer will get a shot at one wave per set.

When the Advanced Plus and Expert sessions run, there will be no other surfers in the pool.

Reaction on social media has been mixed. The price of these more advanced sessions is more than the current price (around 40£ per session) and many surfers we’re wondering why. 

I surf roughly 4 times a month driving to Devon or wales each time, £95 is more than I spend on fuel for the whole months surfing at the coast? Why would I spend that on an hour in the pool???

Ben Summers - Facebook

The team at the Wave responded to the price concerns by pointing out the reduced number of surfers in the pool, but that did little to satisfy their Facebook followers. 

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