The First Set Arrives at URBNSURF Melbourne

The First Set Arrives at URBNSURF Melbourne

URBNSURF Melbourne released the first footage of the wave they’ve been working on for years, and it’s a beautiful thing. Have a look for yourself…

"In the space of a few hours, thousands upon thousands of waves cranked out in Tullamarine. While trucks and taxis flew by, we were mesmerised by the waves breaking just beyond Airport Drive. And we ached to see the first wave types loaded into our menu."

Andrew Ross, Founder of URBNSURF

They’ve already started dialing in the wave menu that will allow customers to pick the wave’s that appeal to them. 

Tubos is reported to resemble a barrelling, low-tide Snapper Rocks on the right, or Macaronis on the left. Giros I and Giros II are more playful, offering multiple sections for carves, snaps and cutbacks. Malibu is a soft, peeling open-face wave meant for learners and beginners who want to get up and riding (fast), gain confidence, and have a blast. To learn more about the waves, cost, or capacity of URBNSURF Melbourne, click here.

With Wavegarden’s founder, Josema, on site to help develop new waves, the menu should expand and improve even more over the coming weeks as they prepare to open to the public later this year. If you are in the area, they are still accepting registrations for the “surf first” lottery that could make you a test pilot in the pool before it’s open to the public. Register here before time runs out.

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