SwellSpot Launches Licensing Program

SwellSpot Launches Licensing Program

SwellSpot, one of the newer wave pool technologies in the market, announced a licensing program earlier this week. When a potential licensee submits the application it will be reviewed by Walter Bennett, Founder of SwellSpot. If the application is approved, the licensee will get access to the license and technical expertise from SwellSpot. The licensee is responsible for contracting directly with construction teams.

Swellspot uses a modular mechanical system and hydraulic motor power to raise and lower an array of “plungers” in deeper water at the back of a pool. The plungers move in nearly synchronous motion up and down to create a swell that travels out of the modules and toward the shallow end of the pool. As the swell propagates toward the shallows, it encounters bottom contours that cause the wave to crest and break in various shapes and sizes.

SwellSpot has released some impressive statistics about their technology including the ability to generate 600 rides per hour. At an estimated build cost of $1.8 million plus $1.25 for supporting infrastructure, SwellSpot installations could cost a fraction of what the alternatives cost. We’re not aware of any pool plans yet, but as soon as we find out, we’ll share, so stay tuned.

Interested parties can apply for a license here.

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