SwellSpot, an Emerging Wave Pool Technology, Issued Patents + 6 Pools Planned

SwellSpot, an Emerging Wave Pool Technology, Issued Patents + 6 Pools Planned

SwellSpot, a dark horse in the wave pool technology race, was issued 4 new patents this week. The patents cover the 3rd generation of SwellSpot wave pool technology.

Walter Bennett, the CEO of SwellSpot, also said that there are six SwellSpot wave pools planned for 2020.

SwellSpot technology uses a modular mechanical system and hydraulic motor power to raise and lower an array of “plungers” in deeper water at the back of a pool. The plungers move in nearly synchronous motion up and down to create a swell that travels from the modules toward the shallow end of the pool. As the swell approaches the shallows, it encounters bottom contours that cause the wave to crest and break in various shapes and sizes. 

According to Mr. Bennett, a standard SwellSpot wave pool can produce over 360 swells per hour, and that translates to 2000+ rides generated per hour. 

“These 360 swells transverse over patented artificial reef breaks and produce 2400 waves per hour in the advanced and intermediate sections and 3000 waves in the beginner section.” Said Mr. Bennett.

If the first SwellSpot installation confirms those numbers, that will make SwellSpot one of the most productivity wave pool technologies. 

The waves generated by SwellSpot measure up to 8 feet high on the face of the wave.

SwellSpot Wave Pool Animation

Mr. Bennett has patents on the plunger mechanism, pool bottom contours and other parts of the system.  The latest round of changes improved SwellSpot technology in various ways. 

  • Simplified the plunger system to reduce part count, cost and complexity.
  • Improved how plungers are powered and actuated resulting in more power efficiency and ease of actuation.
  • No longer using steel for the body of the plunger.
  • Changed plunger design slightly to increase water displacement and wave power. 

With six pools in various stages of planning, 2020 could be a very exciting year, especially if SwellSpot technology changes the wave pool landscape the way Mr. Bennett hopes it will. Stay tuned or subscribe as the SwellSpot story develops. 

Technology Details
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