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Swell MFG wave pool technology is being closely guarded by Matt Gunn and his team, but we do know that they use hydraulics to create waves that propagate from deep to shallow water and create an A-frame along the way.
As seen in videos on the Swell MFG instagram account and on this page, the hydraulic system sits at the “back" of the pool and pushes the swell out toward the shallow end. As the swell travels toward the shallows, it encounters various bottom contours (bathymetry) that force the wave to crest and break in a classic A-frame setup. The modular wave generation system, and the software that controls it, allow the operator fine-grained control of the shape, velocity and size of each wave.
A modular system also means it can easily adapt to the footprint requirements brought on by customers. Each module can be controlled independently which gives wave operators flexibility they need to get creative with wave sizes and shapes.
The Swell MFG web site also claims that their technology can be installed into older pools, “bringing them up-to-date with high volume waves and reduced operational cost."
The Swell MFG team has yet to publicly comment on wave size, but given that everyone seems to be targeting 6 foot faces, we expect Swell MFG to do the same.
As seen in the videos, Swell MFG installations will produce A-frame waves, each of which has a right and a left. The videos also clearly show that both the left and the right-hand wave can offer barrels. According to Matt, the flexibility of the modular system allows the operator to offer additional shapes and sizes as well.
The length of ride will depend on the size of the installation, but according to Matt the standard pool (which is just under 1.5 acres) produces 10 second rides.
The Swell MFG team hasn’t released any information on the productivity or capacity of their wave pools.
The Swell MFG wave generation modules are controlled by software that gives the operator the ability to produce a variety of waves.
Swell MFG technology can produce waves in pools as small as 1 acre, but according to the team their standard 1.5 acre pool will deliver an A-frame that provides 10 second rides.
The Swell MFG team has yet to publicly release information about the energy consumption of their wave generation technology.
Relatively small footprint, 1 acre minimum. | |
Can replace older tech in existing pool. | |
More natural feel due to a trough generated in front of crest. |
Unproven outside small scale physical models. |