

A Wave Pool in a Large Resort Community

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Oceanside, CA is considering plans to build a 92-acre lifestyle hub called “Kamp” that will include a wave pool.

While the wave generation technology hasn’t been disclosed by the developers, Zephyr Partners, there is an abundance of speculation. In June 2019, reports from Oceanside Mayor indicated that Zephyr was considering two wave pool technologies and rumors said Wavegarden Cove was the leading candidate. However, in images released by the Kamp team in September 2019, the rectangular wave pool seen in artist renderings look similar to Surf Loch technology.

If Kamp goes with Surf Loch technology, then surfers should expect waves that vary in shape and size thanks to the flexibility of the Surf Loch technology. Waves sizes will probably range from 2 foot 6 foot faces with shapes that appeal to beginner, intermediate and advanced surfers.

The new development will replace the Oceanside swap meet and drive-in theater property. Zephyr’s development application could be approved by the Oceanside Planning Commission under the existing zoningand would not go to the City Council except on appeal. There are no dates for approval or construction, but land grading is taking place on the property.

The 92-acre Kamp property will surround the wave pool with a 300-room hotel, up to 700 townhomes and condos, retail, dining and offices. Other active lifestyle amenities such as rock climbing, biking, and yoga are also in the plan. 52,000 square feet of event space will also help fill the space.

1/3 of the property will be dedicated to open space and 52,000 square feet will be used for event space.

Thankfully, protecting the environment appears to be priority for the team. The plan claims they will use “the latest in sustainability practices” such as green building standards, solar energy and low water greenscaping.

Kame Wave Pool Oceanside Map
Photo: Kamp

The Kamp team claims that Kamp will create 1341 jobs once it’s open and operating and the tax benefits to the city of oceanside, while being unknown, will be “significant” according to the Kamp team.

Sources: Kamp, Surf Loch, San Diego Tribune

Wave Data

Planning (No Dates Announced)
?? Foot Faces
?? Seconds
?? Waves per Surfer per Hour



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