Intu Costa Del Sol
Image: Intu
Intu Costa Del Sol
Intu Costa Del Sol
Image: Intu
Intu Costa Del Sol
Image: Intu

Intu Costa Del Sol

A wave pool in a giant retail development

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Intu Costa Del Sol is an $888 million (€800m) retail and leisure resort that will include a Surf Loch wave pool. It’s got the green light (“PGOU License”) to start construction with the hopes of opening in 2023 if everything goes according to plan.

The 4,300 m² (1 acre) wave pool will be branded “Wave House 2.0” as a follow up for the revolutionary Wave House concept that Tom Lochtefeld created in San Diego circa 2005.

The team behind the Intu Costa Del Sol wave pool hasn’t offered details in terms of wave size and shape, but they do plan on offering every day surfing, special event competitions, a Wave Club and Surf School, as well as capacity for live music entertainment.

The wave pool is part of a huge 2.5 million square foot complex that is organized into 8 neighborhoods that includes tons of retail space, 70+ restaurants, 20+ leisure operators, two hotels, a 5000-seta concert venue and a large urban farm.

The project will generate more than 6,000 direct jobs: about 2,000 in the construction phase and 4,450 once the park opens its doors.

Intu is expecting 23 million guests to visit Intu Costa Del Sol annually.

Sources: Intu,, Interpark, The Olive Press,


Wave Data

Planning (Planned Opening 2023)
?? Foot Faces
?? Seconds
?? Waves per Surfer per Hour
Surf Loch

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