First Waves Breaking at The Wave in Bristol

First Waves Breaking at The Wave in Bristol

More history was made today in Bristol, UK as The Wave released the first footage of a full size Wavegarden Cove installation making waves.

Nick Hounsfield, founder of The Wave, made it clear that there is more tuning and testing to be done before the wave pool is ready for the public, but everyone on hand was excited to see perfect waves rolling through.

“It is incredible to see sets of 5, 10 and even 15 waves breaking and maintaining their quality. We have been able to create an immense variety of waves,” said  Wavegarden’s Founder and CEO, Josema Odriozola.

We’re excited to see the wave at full power and the menu of sizes of shapes that the Wavegarden team has loaded into the control system. We’re also curious about the actual capacity… will they produce 1000 waves per hour or will they have to introduce the concept of “sets” to allow some settling time? Time will tell.

One thing is certain:  Hounsfield is putting everything he has into this project. His emotions are palpable in the video above. It’s clearly a monumental time for him and his team, and we’re cheering for them.

The official opening day is in November. Find everything you want to know about The Wave in Bristol, and more, here.

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