
AllWaves uses hydraulics and an innovative flexible pool floor to create multiple rides per swell.

AllWaves Wave Pool Technology

The unique wave pool technology from AllWaves uses hydraulics hidden under a flexible pool floor to create swells. Their full scale R&D installation, currently under construction, will produce 500 swells per hour. Each swell will produce four rides: 2 lefts and 2 rights.

The swell energy is produced by a hydraulics that connect to a flexible membrane that resembles an industrial version of the material that can be found in kids’ bounce-houses.  

The first left and right will form along the edge of the deep channel that runs along the center of the pool. The second left and right forms as the swell reaches the far end of the pool and hits an a-frame shaped reef.

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Swell Generation

The key to this unique approach to swell generation lies on the floor of the pool. A long, flexible, inflatable container runs through the middle of the resivoir. The shape and surface of that membrane is manipulated by hydraulics outside the container. The hydraulics continually reshape the container creating a wave-like pattern so that, if you were to observe the wave generator in action but without water, it would look like there are waves flowing across the top of the inflated container. That motion translates energy to the water to create swells that match the period of the waves flowing through the inflatable container.

Presumable, AllWaves can manipulate the speed, sizes and period of the waves in the inflatable container, which subsequently allows them to control size, shape, and speed of the waves the surfers end up riding.

At maximum output, the AllWaves wave generator can create 500 swells per hour. Each of those swells creates two left rides and two right rides, which means the AllWaves prototype should create about 2000 rides per hour.

The Pool

The R&D pool in Knokke-Heist, Belguim is roughly 100m x 100m and rectangular in shape. The pool deepest spot is XX feet (XX meters) deep, and tapers to shallows on three of the sides. The pool floor beyond the flexible container is made of XX.

Wave Characteristics in AllWaves Pools

The swells generated by the AllWaves pool will produce two lefts and two rights. The first left and right break along the the sides of the pool. Then a smaller a-frame at the far end of the pool produces another left and right ride. Until we see the full-scale pool in action, the power and speed of the wave will be a mystery. 

Frequency and Capacity

AllWaves wave pools will generate about 2000 rides per hour (1000 lefts and 1000 rights), theoretically. That may be reduced to keep wave faces clean and barrels open, but until we see the full scale pool operating, we won’t know for sure. Operationally, we expect that capacity to be challenging because we haven’t seen any pool produce that volume of rides successfully, yet.

The length of ride will depend on the size of the pool. In the full scale R&D pool, we expect the rides to run between 8 and 10 seconds. 

Highlights and Lowlights

Theoretically supports the most simultaneous surfers.

Videos about AllWaves

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