Wave pools.




Our mission is to provide the premier comprehensive resource on waves made by humans and the science behind them.

Wave pools made for surfing are not new, but they certainly are a gaining popularity. Continued acceleration in the advancement of wave pool technology has combined with a rapid reduction in risk to create a surge in wave pool projects. We deeply research and report on every wave pool on the planet, whether they are being planned or pumping out waves. We also study the technology options that make wave pools possible and offer unbiased reporting and reviews.

Artificial reefs have been used for decades to create and enhance surf breaks in the ocean. There are many failures to learn from and a few success stories to celebrate. We study them all to develop a deep understanding of what works and why.

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We’re always looking for opinions, reviews, and content ideas. We’re also happy to help you find the data you need for your article, pool, or crowd-funded reef project. Get in touch with us using the form below and we’ll get back to you, quickly.

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